Delegation does not involve giving away simple and easy jobs. It is about assigning hard and challenging tasks to your subordinates. So, when you delegate, you can free yourself from doing other jobs which your people are also capable of doing. This way, you can devote your time and energy by performing the important tasks of management -- planning, organizing, leading and controlling, to ensure the survival, growth and profitability of your business.
To maximize your effectiveness, develop your employees, do many things simultaneously through your people, and increase your organization's performance-- delegate!
Below are five easy steps to delegate effectively.
1. Plan and decide the tasks to delegate. Since your time as manager is limited and valuable to the organization, make a list of the tasks that you do everyday and decide what tasks you can assign to your subordinates. This is necessary, as already mentioned, to free you from the not-so-important responsibilities that your people can do also. This way, you can multiply yourself through your employees and the business can continue to operate even if you are not around.
2. Decide whom to delegate the tasks. Running the organization is always a team effort. So, make a list of your staff's strengths, weaknesses, capabilities and competence and give them responsibilities on the basis of their skills. To delegate is to train and develop your team for bigger responsibilities. It will also enrich themselves and enlarge their job description in the organization, optimizing their value and contribution.
3. Communicate the responsibility. Make known to the staff your expectations and your target outputs and results. Since with responsibility comes authority and accountability, explain to them the extent of their authority, and the resources needed to achieve their assigned tasks. It is necessary to inform other employees that you have made someone in charge of a particular task, unit, or project, and that their support and cooperation are enjoined as a matter of policy.
4. Set performance standards. To ensure that your employees are performing their responsibilities, you plan with them and agree on a standard or yardstick to measure their performance. This way, they will have the feedback mechanism to know whether or not what they are doing are consistent with the agreed goals and standards. To give incentives to encourage sustained performance, a scheme may be devised to reward employees who are performing according to standards and to warn and re-train those who don't.
5. Review results regularly. Set regular time, like monthly, to meet and review results of the employees' performance, do corrective action, problem solving, and constructive feedbacking. Thereafter, plan for the next cycle of delegation.
Delegation is not an easy task. It is sometimes risky as well as challenging. However, to achieve business growth and enhance performance, you must know how to maximize your organization's key asset - the human resource. Delegation is one way to develop your people to build their competence and increase their contribution, thereby enhancing your business performance.
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