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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tips to Settle Down in Your First Job

So, your graduation is over. And now you are looking for your first fresher job. Or have you already found one? Lucky you! Now, you must be all excited about starting your career. First job, first salary, first promotion, all these remain precious throughout your life. Tomorrow you might reach great heights in your career but you will still remember this first job which was your first step. The memories of these will remain with you throughout life. So, why not make these memories special? Yes, we are talking about making your first job special. Make it a rocking experience and gather some wonderful memories to cherish throughout life.

Right now, since you are young, a little gullible, a little vulnerable, it is quite acceptable that you will make some common mistakes in the starting of your career. Alright, you were very smart in college so there is no reason why should fail at any front in your job too. Agreed. But professional world is very different from your carefree college days. Here, you would require a little tact, even a little manipulation and of course oodles of hard wok to succeed. You might need to unlearn a few things that you learnt during education. Don't take it negatively. But in the real job, you need to exercise a lot of discretion and smartness to learn the ropes and make a mark for yourself. Hard work is the foundation on which you would have to build your reputation but there are other tricks too that you must know to ensure that your hard work shines out. Being a student is different from being an employee and different things will be accepted of you. Here are a few tips that will certainly help you settle down in your first job and mark a successful beginning to your career.

Be a good listener first and then aspire to be a good speaker. This is a golden rule that applies to not just professional life but also your personal life. Learn to listen patiently and understanding things perfectly before suggesting any changes or pointing finger at the established practices. Everybody loves to innovate and presenting new ideas is a good thing but you must learn to put things forward in a manner that it does not threaten others. Remember that it is your first job and you have no experience to back your claims. Whatever you are suggesting may be correct but people will view it with suspicion if your attitude is just to challenge the established practices for the sake of being different. First try to understand why the current system is such and what good is being derived out of it. Then, slowly prepare your case by first acknowledging what is good about the existing thing and then mildly suggesting what more can be done to improve it and garner better results. If you listen to others and try to observe things, you will learn about the environment of our office and find out more about the people around you. Once you gain their trust, it will easier to make them see your point.

No office is devoid of gossipmongers and troublemakers. And their easy targets are newcomers. Just be wary of such elements in your office. This person will always pose as your well-wisher and stir you up against others, especially the boss. It would be his second nature to exaggerate things and present situations with a lot more spice. Be sure not to become a part of his gossip gang because he would be the first one who would speak against you behind your back. He will malign your image in front of others just the way he is maligning others' image in front of you. You should just quietly listen to what this person says and not respond to him or participate in his loose talk as u must keep one thing in your mind that its your first job and you have to prove yourself as people are striving hard for finding jobs for freshers.

Another important thing is to mind your manners and behavior in office. Be formal and professional in your approach towards people. Read up on office etiquette and follow it even if it's too formal initially. You may make good friends at the workplace later on but initially treat everybody with due respect maintaining the required distance and talking only when necessary. Never be rude to anyone and don't go about boasting about yourself. Never crack indecent jokes with your co-workers. You have no idea about their personalities and sensibilities so you might just end up offending them.

And last but not the least, work hard. Work your way up diligently. Good work can never be swept under the carpet but be smart enough to showcase your work to the right people at the right time in the right manner. Following these tips, you can look forward to a rocking first job.


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