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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Essential Job Tips - Before You Look For a Job

It's important to be clear about your reasons for wanting to change jobs. In this way you can firstly determine whether making the move is the right course of action for you and, secondly, you will be asked by potential future employers the reasons you are leaving your old job. The answers you give and the impression you create are vital.

Your reasons for looking for another job may be many and varied but it is likely that several of the following factors will be involved and it is important that you think about them before you commence your search.

How do you feel about your salary? Perhaps you feel you are not being paid enough for your current responsibilities or contribution to the business. Or you feel there are simply higher salaries to be earned at other companies or in other industries. Either way, what you are paid for the work you do is one of the single more important things to consider.

The size of the company you work at may prevent you from moving up the corporate ladder, or perhaps you are not being given the opportunities you feel you deserve. Opportunities for career progression help maintain motivation and drive you to strive for personal and professional improvement. This is important for your own wellbeing as well as your satisfaction in the workplace.

If you are no longer being challenged in your current role and you don't feel there are any other opportunities at the company you work for then it wont take long for boredom to set in. It is likely you spend the majority of your weekday waking hours at work and being bored is a strong motivator to change your role or leave it altogether.

Given this amount of time you spend at work it is important to enjoy your work environment, and for some people this ranks higher than considerations like salary and career opportunities. The culture of a company is sometimes a difficult thing to assess from the outside so if you have any avenues to find out prior to seeking employment there it can be very advantageous. If you find yourself in a job were you clash with the company culture it can be a difficult thing to fix.

Other factors, like the time it takes to travel to and from work, stress, or long hours, are also vital things to consider prior to looking for a job.

Potential employers will also ask you why you are applying for the advertised position with their company. This is something you should be very clear about in your mind before the interview, as your success can depend upon your motivation in applying for the role.


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