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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tips For Making a Good Impression in Your Nursing Job Interview

For job applicants, the job interview is always the dreadful part of the hiring process. Whether you are hoping to get your first nursing job or already have years of experience but wish to apply for a new job or higher position, you will have to go through a job interview and need to impress your potential employer enough that they will hire you. There are a few things you can do to make a favorable impression and land the job!

Do your research

You can lessen your anxiety about a job interview by preparing a week beforehand. This way, when you walk through the door and shake the interviewer's hand, you will come off as confident. Once you are scheduled for an interview with a hospital or company, it is best that you do your research about the company to show the interviewer that you are truly interested about securing the job. If the company has a website, you can familiarize yourself with the company's history and mission statement, as well as recent news that may be relevant to the interview. Your interest should be genuine and not come off as contrived. Don't name drop or interject irrelevant information while in the interview.

Ask smart questions

Show the interviewer that you are an organized person. Bring extra copies of your resume and references, as well as a list of questions that you wish to ask the interviewer. Having prepared questions will show your interest about the company. Intelligent questions (that are in no way pompous) can give you extra points, showing how keen and observant you are. Asking at least two questions is adequate; make sure that the question has not been already been addressed during the interview as the employer will figure that you were not paying attention. Have five questions on-hand which you can choose from depending on the situation and how relevant it is in the interview. You can ask basic and safe questions such as what the opportunities are for advancing your career as a nurse within the company and whether they offer any educational assistance programs. These questions may indicate that if you are hired by the company, you intend to stay with them for a long-term period, giving you more plus points in the interviewer's mind. Indicate to the interviewer that you are interested in a career and not just a job, and inquire about the opportunities for growth in the company.

Anticipate the questions

A job interview will primarily involve you being asked questions to determine if you fit the job position. Answering with confidence and substance will impress any interviewer. Being caught off-guard and answering clumsily or insubstantially will turn-off any interviewer. Most job interviews are the same and stock questions usually include like "Tell me about yourself." When asked this, don't just ramble random things about you. Be relevant and go straight to the point. If you are a new graduate, structure your answers around nursing school and how well you did, what subjects most interested you and relevant experiences and achievements.


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ChrisP said...

Study your resume carefully so that you'll be able to backup your claims to your various skills and abilities. Be logical in answering questions and apply common sense.