When you apply for jobs, you attach your "resume" to the e-mail submission. My question: what have you named your attached resume? Is it John Doe Resume? Or J Doe Resume? Or is it Draft Resume?(does that mean you are still working on your resume? Or 2007 Resume (it's 2009 - has it been two years since you updated your resume?) So - watch out! Tip: Give your resume a professional name - just your name is perfect! (ie: Jane Doe Resume). HR, Recruiters and Hiring Managers look at this.
2. E-mail Address
Is your e-mail address professional? If it's Jdoe@yahoo.com or JaneDoe123@aol.com then this is perfect. But what about "hotmama@xxx.com" or "foreclosureking@xxx.com". These are unacceptable e-mail addresses, and once again, employers and hiring managers will notice this.
Tip: Create a professional e-mail address for your job search.
3. Apply to old job postings.
Just because an ad is 30 days old, doesn't mean it's been filled! Positions may take from 2 weeks to even 3 months to fill. So, when a job is 30 days old, or even older, forward your resume. There is a very good chance that you will be one of the very few to have applied that day (compared to the 100's of resumes that are submitted on the first few days of a job posting). Also, don't forget that firms tend to have the "same types" of position openings....so even if it's 30 days old, perhaps the firm is thinking of opening a new position that is similar, and then "voila" - your resume appears. And don't forget about local and niche sites (Craigslist / jobsonwallstreet.com / etc). These may be a goldmine and many overlook these.
Tip: Apply to old job postings - it could very well land you an interview and a job!
4. Objective - Do Not Write this on your Resume!
So many job seekers write an objective on their resume, many of whom even state the position they desire: "Seeking an Analyst role: Seeking an Accountant role", etc. When you do this, you are basically telling the employer, "this is what I want". So, if the employer doesn't have that job you are targeting, they are most likely not going to cross reference you for other roles they may have - because, you told them exactly what you want! Let the employer decide where you'll be the best fit - and let them cross reference you for other positions. For Entry Level Job Seekers (in college / just graduated) just write something very generic: To pursue a position with in the financial industry; To pursue a career within the Marketing Industry - generic and wide open! Tip: Do not write an Objective on your resume OR make it very generic.
5. Job Boards - Resume Database Portion
It is time consuming to post your profiles on the job boards, but you MUST. And most importantly, keep refreshing your profile so it's current (show's today's date - not a year ago...). Many employers and recruiters do not want to reveal their job posting information. So they look for you on the databases. No matter what level you are at (from entry level to C-Level) - posting your resume on these resume databases is a MUST. As a tip, keep your e-mail address and contact info confidential on your job board database profiles. And if there is an option to upload your word document into the profile, don't' forget to also keep your name and contact info confidential from the word attachment as well! Many forget to do this! Tip: Spend a day and upload your resumes to as many job boards as possible.
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