If you are a man going on a job interview I suggest you wear a pressed suit, an ironed shirt and a conservative tie. If you don't have a suit a pair of pressed slacks with a nice sports jacket and an ironed shirt with a conservative tie is acceptable. Make sure your shoes are polished and your nails are clean and manicured. Not knowing who will be doing your interview you want to portray a professional business like image.
Next, if you are a woman going on a job interview a business like suit or tailored dress is acceptable. With the suit wear a blouse with an appropriate neckline. Solid colors are usually considered more business like. Make sure your hem line is not too short, remember you are going on a job interview and not to a disco.You want to make sure you shoes are polished and appropriate for business. High heeled sandals do not look appropriate or safe for business. Wear your hair in a style that is flattering and business like.
Lastly, hygiene is ever so important when you go on an interview. Make sure you have bathed or showered and your nails and hair are clean. You want to have a clean refreshing body odor. I suggest not wearing too much cologne strong fragrances make some people sick. For women I suggest you wear just enough makeup so you look good but do not want to look like a clown.
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