Manufacturing jobs have been vanishing at a steep rate since the beginning of this new century. And over the last year, the loss has been stupendous. It'll never be the case again when the so-called "Detroit Three" car companies dominate car production around the world. Sadly, two of them are in danger of bankruptcy and possible liquidation.
So then, where are the job opportunities at and how do we take advantage of them? Well, it always helps to look at which of the many job types out there are going to need workers in the next few decades, for one thing. Also, we should examine which regions are best set up to cultivate and encourage the growth of new jobs or industries.
The first step in taking advantage of new job opportunities is to retrain or gain new skills. In healthcare, numerous jobs abound, from medical billing and basic assistant nursing all the way up to high-paying nurse or clinical technician jobs such as in x-ray or pharmacology. They're all well-paying, too. As the U.S. population gets older, the need for medical specialists will be greater than ever.
And the government, especially at the federal level, will need more workers than ever. The recently enacted stimulus package has provisions in it for a growth of government unprecedented since World War II. It'll need large numbers of people to staff its departments and agencies. Those jobs will also pay good wages and have nice benefits. Part of the funding in the package will go towards workforce retraining. Take advantage of that reality.
Also, our focus on developing a "greener" world will lead to the creation of vast new jobs in many industries devoted to bringing us to that laudable point. Many governments are offering enticements to get technology companies and the like. They're also busily retraining their own local workforces to be able to handle those new jobs. Take advantage of that fact.
Job opportunities today are still out there, though it'll also take a bit more effort to sniff them out. Fortunately for us, we have the Internet in all its glories. Online job aids and actual job hunting websites abound, as do free or low-cost web resume writing assistance programs and tutorials.
Many people should keep in mind that they need to focus on what they can have, versus focusing on what they already have. This means that those who are quick and flexible in terms of wanting work will always win out over those who just sit back and wait for a job to come to them.
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