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Friday, July 17, 2009

How to Have Success in Job Searching

Job searching is not high on the list of pleasurable activities, but everyone has to do it. The undertaking of finding a job requires learning certain job-search skills and fine-tuning them to a high level.

First, you start with the all-important self-assessment:
a. What type of job are you looking for?
b. What do you have to offer the company?
Unless you know, you might not get what you want.

You also need to know the fundamentals of searching and acquiring the job you want. You will need to start planning, organizing, and researching the most effective methods to look for employment.

Since many jobs aren't publicized, one of the most important roles of job hunting is networking. Networking brings you in contact with people who refer you to other people. Once you know where you would like to apply for a job, you'll need a well-written, sharp-looking resume. You will need to know how to put together a resume that conveys your strengths convincingly.

These days, even the best paper resume isn't sufficient enough. You need a resume that can be scanned into a database, and even that isn't enough. You may also need to submit your resume by e-mail to on-line databases, news-groups, and directly to companies.

Many people seeking a job mistakenly consider a cover letter simply another piece of paper that accompanies a resume, when in fact a well scripted cover letter is essential in turning out a short yet attention-grabbing letter.

Since job hunting is time consuming, knowing where to look drastically reduces the searching. Expand your options and save time with Internet and CD-Rom job searches. Employment agencies are also a venue you may want to try. You can find information about these under executive recruiters, temporary agencies, and permanent placement agencies.

Finally, you will be called for an interview. Once you have gotten to this point, you'll need to do in-depth research on the company at which you're desiring to be employed.

Keep in mind the skills you learn in searching and applying for a job, you will use throughout your career. The more polished you are, both on paper and in person, the better your chances are of getting the job you want.


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