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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Game Tester Job - Become a Video Game Tester and Make Cash!

Do you have a healthy fascination with video games and you just love to play them all the time? Are you looking for a way to make some extra money and even turn it into a full time career? You can become one of the many that have a game tester job either full time or part time. It is easy and here is how you can get started.

1. Find the developers of video games

The first step is to track down some of the developers of video games because they are the ones that are going to need you to test their games. You should be able to do this fairly easily and once you have about 3 to 5 developers you can move on to the next step in the plan.

2. Contact the developers with a letter and resume

You have to send out your resume and cover letter to the video game developers and let them know you are interested in a game tester job. This will give you the best chance of landing a testing job. Make sure to mention how many systems you have, which ones they are, how many games you already own, and how long you play your games each day. This needs to be very professional if you want to get a game tester job.

3. Get your first gig

Once you have landed your first testing job you will be on your way to making good money to play video games. Make sure to follow the company's instructions completely and submit the work they ask for on time or early. Also, you will want to add this to your resume and continue to contact them and the other developers for more work. The more experience you get the more work you will get and the more money you will make.


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